What is Improv?
Improv (short for Improvisational Theatre) is a collaborative method of creating stories on the fly using suggestions from audiences. Improvisers rely on quick thinking, spontaneity, teamwork, and creativity to build entertaining and often hilarious performances. The focus is on collaboration, active listening, and accepting ideas from fellow performers to build a story or scene together.
“We don’t stop playing because we grow old; we grow old because we stop playing.”
Who should try Improv?
Whether you are looking to improve your communication skills, collaboration within a team, sharpen your lateral thinking or just have fun and make friends, improv is for you! We provide a safe space for people to experiment and test the boundaries or limitlessness of their creativity. Try out our Taster Session to get a glimpse into the art of Improvisation!
“There’s power in looking silly and not caring that you do. ”