
Overview |  Improv 101 | Improv 201 | Improv 301 | Improv 401 | Improv 501


Spontaneous storytelling is a magical process best performed when you have the basics locked down. In our long-term courses, we give you in-depth training to understand the universal rules of engagement within improvisational theatre. With these fundamental guidelines in mind, you’ll be sufficiently equipped to play formats with the rest of the improv community - or even invent your own improv formats!

Improv 101: Learning to play

This 6-session course is our flagship beginners’ class for people new to improvisational theatre. 

During this course, you’ll learn and hone fundamental improvisational skills like listening, saying yes, and collaborating creatively with your classmates. You will have ample opportunity to practise building characters, develop satisfying onstage relationships and generate spontaneous, laugh-out-loud stories... all while having the time of your life! 

Completing this course gives you access to our more advanced courses, specialised workshops, regular community improv jams, and a strong alumni network.

Course fee: S$420 (discounts may apply)
Duration: 6 sessions x 2.5 hours
Prerequisites: None! No theatre experience required!

Improv 201: Playing Harder & Faster

This course is our intermediate class for short-form improvisation. Students will enhance their improv skills as they dive into building short improv scenes that communicate clear and relatable stories. The class will also explore how to play within the mechanics of a short-form improv game and recognise how to support their scene partners with confidence and humour.

After completing this course, students will get the opportunity to stage a graduation showcase for their family and friends!

Course fee: S$420 (discounts may apply)
Duration: 6 x 2.5hr sessions
Prerequisites: Complete 'Improv 101' or equivalent

Improv 301: Exploring Scenework

This course is another intermediate class, one that bridges short-form and long-form improvisation. Students will learn to listen deeply and communicate effectively with each other to spontaneously create powerful moments onstage. Stripped of the constraints and parameters of short-form improv games, they will delve deeper into standalone scene work and aim to cultivate a sense of patience and ease while doing so.

Course fee: S$420 (discounts may apply)
Duration: 6 x 2.5hr sessions
Prerequisites: Complete 'Improv 201' or equivalent

Improv 401: Advanced Storytelling

This course is an advanced class, where students will dabble in the art of long-form improvisation. Building on the foundational scene work skills they’ve flexed in Improv 301, students will learn to string scenes together in a coherent, cohesive manner to tell longer, deeper, more meaningful stories.

After completing this course, students will again get the opportunity to stage a graduation showcase for their family and friends!

Course fee: S$560 (discounts may apply)
Duration: 8 x 2.5hr sessions
Prerequisites: Complete 'Improv 301' or equivalent

Improv 501: Put on a Show!

You’ve taken baby steps to listen and Yes, And each other in Improv 101, and flung yourselves spontaneously into short-form games in Improv 201. Improv 301 was all about crafting and polishing the gem that a standalone improv scene can be, and Improv 401 taught you various ways of stringing those gleaming gems together to form a unified necklace of a story. …Now what?

In Improv 501, learn how to take charge of your own improv sets and shows, as we give you a concrete framework for the multitude of different aspects and perspectives to consider when it comes to good, intentional show design. Boost yourself to the next level of being an extremely conscious improviser-performer, as you take yourself out of being a mere cog in the machine, to designing the machine.

After completing this course, students will stage a graduation showcase for the community!

Course fee: S$520 (discounts may apply)
Duration: 8 x 2.5hr sessions
Prerequisites: Complete 'Improv 401' or equivalent

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