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— We've been featured all over the media, including The Straits Times, Channel News Asia, Esquire, Nylon, Popspoken, Yahoo, Comedy Central, TimeOut and The A-List SG!
— We've been featured all over the media, including The Straits Times, Channel News Asia, Esquire, Nylon, Popspoken, Yahoo, Comedy Central, TimeOut and The A-List SG!
The Straits Times: Improving on Improv 2016
June 3, 2016 - we hosted Singapore's first-ever Improv Festival and were featured in the Straits Times! So excited about this! Check it out: http://www.straitstimes.com/lifestyle/entertainment/improving-on-improv
The Straits Times: Making things up 2016
Making things up on the spot for an adrenaline rush: Our very talented Pamy Tan was interviewed by The Straits Times! You can read the article here: http://www.straitstimes.com/lifestyle/arts/making-things-up-on-the-spot-for-an-adrenaline-rush
Channel News Asia
Our first time on TV!!!! As you can tell, we were insanely excited to be part of the Channel News Asia morning show. Watch us here: http://www.channelnewsasia.com/tv/tvshows/firstlook/lotsmore/the-art-of-improvisation/2838334.html
The sexy people at Esquire Singapore said we were Worth Going Outside For! If that isn't an honor in Singaporean weather, we don't know what is. Check them out: http://www.esq.sg/lifestyle/culture/weekend-agenda-june-2
Nylon magazine, definitely an icon of all things cool, featured us in a to-do weekend list. Lovely! http://www.nylon.com.sg/2016/05/staged-whats-coming-up-in-the-local-theatre-scene.html
Comedy Central 2016
We intensely love you Comedy Central. Thanks for promoting our show!
Timeout Singapore 2015
Natasha Hong from Timeout Singapore attended one of our classes in 2015 and wrote a lovely piece for anyone interested in joining us! Glad we're on the must-do list. http://www.timeout.com/singapore/classes/improv-class
Today 2016
The Improv Company got special mention for the 2015 Night Fest by Today newspaper! We sold out the show: http://www.todayonline.com/entertainment/arts/spore-night-fest-2015-where-zone-out
The Straits Times IN 2015
In 2015 we made the front page of The Straits Times IN
Centre 42 interview 2016
We've performed at Centre 42 quite a few times - it's a fantastic place for artists and they do incredible work. Our festival was held there in 2016 and they featured us in an interview: http://centre42.sg/interview-with-the-improv-company/
AList SG
The A-List SG attended one of our shows in 2015 and had a great time!
Singapore Art Museum 2014
As part of The Madhatter Line-Up, we performed in SAM's Singapore Art Week 2014
Singapore Night Festival 2015
We performed to a sold-out show in the Singapore Night Festival last year and were back in 2016!
Yahoo and Popspoken featured us in 2016
The Straits Times IN
The Improv Company mentioned in the Straits Times alongside The Latecomers, a great bunch of comedian improvisers!
The Improv Company and our bi-monthly Improv for Everyone workshop was featured in Time Out magazine in June 2014